News & Notifications

SFTR Annual POA Owners Meeting Agenda
October 5, 2024, 9:00 am
Metro Operations Center

POA Board of Directors:

Robert L. Scott, President
Rick Kinder, Vice President
Mark Thomas, Treasurer
Carol Smith, Secretary
Bill Nielsen, Member
Carlin Craig, Member
Ken Dixon, Member
Scott Tollefson, Member
Bill Latham, Member

  • Proof of Notice
  • Roll Call/Determination of Quorum
  • Approval of August 3, 2024, minutes
  • Welcome Address: Carol Smith
  • Collection of last of ballots / Ballot volunteers selected

Committee Reports:
1) Communication (John Gerald, chair)
2) Governance Document Review; Owners Education; Adopt-A-Road (Bill Nielsen)
3) Roads (Carlin Craig, chair)
4) Covenants (Rick Kinder, chair)
5) Forest, Health and Wildfire Mitigation (Ken Dixon, chair)
6) Common Area/ Weed Control (Scott Tollefson, chair)
7) Finance (Mark Thomas, chair)
8) Community and Emergency Preparedness (Bill Latham, chair)
     -Joe Richards to present RAVE information
9) Grazing (Marty Pachelli, chair)

Women’s Group Report (given by Barb Wurfel)
Metro Water System - Power Point presentation - presented by Bob L. Scott
Ballot Results
Meeting Adjourned
-15 minutes break before Regular POA Board Meeting begins


Santa Fe Trail Ranch:

Santa Fe Trail Ranch is a covenant protected, private community, protected with by-laws that are voted upon by the resident landowners with covenants that serve the best interest of the residents and landowners. We take pride in our community and protect it and care for it every day.